
Have you seen the movie 300 by Frank Miller? Did you notice King Leonidas and the 300 mans exquisite body? The creation into these beautiful bodies was not made for neophytes. The 300 fitness ab workout that whipped actors into the stunning fighting shape is no easy conquest. After finishing the training regime all actors flaunt the six pack abs. 

During the whole duration of the movie- the whittled waist, chiseled shoulders, rock hard thighs and toned body is flaunted over the screen with so much pride. Thus, many had asked what are the secrets of these 300 fighting men to come up with such glorious physique? The not so secret regimen is now all over the internet. Everybody is searching for the magic fitness ab workout that made these actors sport a dazzling body. 

The 300 man wondrous training regimen is called the 300 workout. It is made especially for the 300 fighting men for the movie by Mark Twight a world-class mountain enthusiast, self taught fitness guru. The 300 workout is not for the faint hearted and most experts agree with this. 

At first I thought that the name of the training regimen is named after the movies name. The name of the training regimen is named after the 300 workout finale. It is kind of a graduation rite for the actors of the movie. After months of body training the actors will test their stamina and strength with the 300 weight training moves. 

The 300 workout is made of 25 pull-ups, 50 135 lbs. dead lifts, 50 push-ups, 50 box jumps, 50 floor wipers, 50 36 pounds clean and press and 25 pull-ups. 

Before doing the 300 workout the men underwent a rigid fitness workout. The exercises they had done are variations of the advanced workout level. In some days they lifted heavy load or they may do the high-intensity circuit training. The actors usually work from 90 minutes to 2 hours 5 times a week. After the rigorous training regimen of course with fitness ab workout incorporated in it the actors has still to undergo the training for the fighting scenes. 

Any professor of kinesiology will advise any ambitious unfit individual to heed the advice of the experts and approach the 300 workout with caution. For this training regimen is made for stylistic effect so actors will really look like Spartans. Nobody who has not done any rigorous training will do the 300 workout and get to live and tell the experience. 
For beginners all hope is not lost. Experts say that you have to take it slowly and consider hiring a professional trainer so that you may have the proper training to take on the 300 workout challenge.

About the Author:
Looking for a power fitness ab workout? Looking for something that can challenge you? Abs Workout Guide has pertinent information for achieving great body.
Article Originally Published On: http://www.articlesnatch.com