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Schedule Your Workouts like Appointments
There is nothing that keeps you accountable as a scheduled workout time. It also helps you establish a routine that can be turned into a habit. Most people find it difficult to be consistent in their efforts to get healthier. By scheduling your workouts, you train your body to get used to exercise and even crave it as well as you improve your chances of success by at least 70%.
Give 100% Every Workout, Every Time: No Excuses!
You have a very small amount of time, so make each workout count. Don't be discouraged by the fact that you have very little time on your day to devote to exercise. You may feel like 20-minutes is not a lot of time to work out, but it is. Every time is as good as any. Work with what you have and give it your all. Plan for 20-minutes of strength-training a day, and maybe half hour of cardio. But push, take little rests and do as many sets as you can in those 20 minutes! Push! Don't take it easy on yourself just because nobody is watching you. If you have a hard time pushing or motivating yourself, talk to your trainer about taking a few personal training sessions a week. If that's not within your budget, join a group fitness class or invite your friends to a class. You will be able to reap the benefits of having a personal trainer, but split the cost with your friends. If you are not sure where to begin, talk to your trainer. Increase your intensity. If you don't hate every workout until it's done, then you are not pushing hard enough. It's best to work with a trainer to design your program, so you can avoid injuries and overtraining.
Watch what you Eat
Schedule your meals and snack times as well. Spend one day on a lazy weekend to plan the rest of your week or month and stick to it. Keep a food journal to keep track of what you eat and when you eat it. Eat a big breakfast and pack a nutritious lunch, that way you are not tempted to buy a greasy slice of pizza nearby or overeat on a lunch-out with coworkers. Eat throughout the day to keep your metabolism revved up. It will also help you stay full and energized throughout the day, so you don't binge later right before you go to bed.
Amelle Wellness is a health facitlity specializing in treatment and prevention of diabetes through physical health training, weight management through nutrition counseling, behavioral change, and education.
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