
This means it can be done in your spare time or fitted into your schedule. But to get the most out of the Yoga you do make sure not to let it become an afterthought.
Following these seven simple tips can help you to make sure you get the most out of your Yoga routine.
Set aside time
Find a time in your schedule to practice yoga in regularly. Getting used to practicing it in a regular way means it becomes a habit sooner. Making it a habit means you're less likely to stop just because you are busy or don't feel you have time in a given week.
Take it slow
Setting aside a time also means you can set aside enough time to take time. By taking it slowly at the beginning of a session you can listen to your body and make sure you aren't pushing yourself into uncomfortable or stressful positions.
Light and Often
Doing shorter routines more regularly gives much better results than doing one long strenuous routine. Build up your abilities over time and start out with the poses you feel comfortable with. They will help to prepare you for the more difficult ones.
Prepare Your Self
Putting yourself in the right frame of mind for yoga is important. You can do this in simple ways by wearing comfortable, non restrictive clothing. Make sure not to eat just before you begin practising Yoga. A full stomach will make you feel uncomfortable. Practising just before breakfast is ideal.
Prepare Your Space
For your body to be comfortable during the session the space you practice in should be comfortable too. Make sure the room you are in is warm, quiet and properly ventilated. Use a yoga mat to cushion yourself against the ground.
Know your poses
If you have studied each pose well you can focus on really honing the movement and position of your body rather than trying to think where your arms and legs are supposed to be.
Rest between poses
Allowing your body to rest between poses means that muscles or ligaments used in the previous position aren't overused in the subsequent exercise. Tiring one particular muscle group while others are fresh makes it harder to achieve the proper pose.
This is by no means an exhaustive list but if you try to follow these 7 strategies and Yoga is bound to become more and more effective.
Al Marner writes many articles about a number of different topics including yoga tips. Find out more about practicing yoga at www.dublinholisticcentre.com/classes/yoga.