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If you have excess fat stored around your stomach, this is most likely evidence of arising health problems. Although fat on your stomach isn't unappealing, we seldom take the time to acknowledge that it's also dangerous. In this article I'll show you exactly how you can quickly lose the fat on your stomach and avoid the health risks that excess fat around the waistline may bring.
Step 1: Get Leverage By Considering the Risk of Living with Fat
Belly fat or abdominal obesity or fat on stomach is a buildup of abdominal fat in and around the waistline area. Studies show a direct connection between the existence of stored abdominal fat and heart disease. People with excess weight are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and metabolism disorder.
Step 2: Measure Your Waistline
The good news is that you can control the level of your abdominal fat. And, the first step towards that goal is to know what the right measurements for your waistline should be: for men around 40 inches and for women 35 inches.
Step 3: Know What to Do if the Numbers Aren't Pretty
Now that you know the consequences of having fat on your stomach and your waistline measures, you'll get a sense how serious your concern should be. The next step is to know what to do and take action. Simple new habits should be incorporated in your life style, and, in fact, only two of them: correct eating and exercising. Another important concept to understand is that in order to lose fat on stomach you should first decrease the fat percentage of whole your body. Next, I'll reveal some simple powerful techniques which, if implemented regularly, will bring you excellent results.
Easy and Healthy Eating Tips: 
  • Look through the list of the foods that you are regularly consume. Vigorously cancel those with high-fat, fast carb (sugar) content: fat meat, butter, fat cheeses, fried potato, fast food, sweets, sweet carbonated drinks, excessive alcohol, pastries etc
  • Chose the right food. There lots of low-fat food that you can enjoy since they practically have the same taste as their unhealthy counterparts. Consider the variety of foods to create a balanced menu with a sufficient amount of protein: chicken, turkey, lean ground beef, fish, egg whites; fiber: fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grain foods; low-fat dairy. Combine your meal with any types of unsaturated oil: olive oil, soybean, or rapeseeds
  • Don't fry your foods. Try to eat more boiled foods.
  • Make the portions smaller. Drink water before and after a meal
  • Eat regularly. Having 4-5 meals per day with a good breakfast, lunch, dinner and 1-2 snacks will keep your metabolism high and help you control your hunger and feel satisfied during the whole day;
  • Drink plenty of water. Super tip: drink ice-cold water! Since the body uses energy to heat up the water in its system, drinking cold water is an excellent way to burn more calories with the least amount of effort.
  • Reward yourself with when you experience reduction in your weight. However, don't get disappointed if you see your weight increase at first if you exercise and not overeat! (You're gaining lean muscle mass, which weight more than fat). Make regular measurements of your waist circumference. Even small changes in numbers will give you confidence and energy to continue with your plan.
Exercise 101 
  • Use any opportunity to move more and burn calories. This will help you lose fat around the whole body. At your home you can find additional places to clean or brush, use steers instead of the elevator, visit your friend instead of calling them, leave the car far away from your office or shop and walk a few additional minutes or take a long trip in nature's environment.
  • Cardio and strength (resistance) exercises. They naturally and effectively stimulate your fat burning mechanism, improve your metabolism and overall health. Feel free to choose any activities that you feel good about: cycling, swimming or running burn several hundred calories; team sports: football, volleyball can also improve your mood; exercising in a gym or group training can be joyful in social environment.
  • Specific abdominal exercises. Doing some abdominal exercises is necessary to getting a firm belly. Supine bicycle, captain's chair, vertical leg crunches and twisting crunches are the best stomach exercises. You should be doing these exercises regularly a few times per week for 20-45 minutes.
  • Yoga and relaxation. Negative emotional state and stress that the causes of "emotional eating" often can lead to weight gain. Yoga exercises can decrease your stress level and tone the stomach muscles. Specific poses like supine work the abdominal muscles very effectively.
You can achieve the best and quickest results if you consume the right foods and move more. Follow these easy recommendations for a month to half a year and you will see excellent result in losing fat on your stomach and getting a firm belly.
Alex Guley
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