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Many people lose weight, why should you be any different?
If you're reading all this and thinking, "this is all great, but it won't work for me; "'m different," then you're not alone. Many people think that a healthy eating plan can work for the rest of the world but not for them because they are busier, more picky, less focused, have more cravings, you name it.
The truth is a good eating plan has worked for many people, and it can work for you too. You have to start trusting yourself and believing in what your body can achieve. The human body has amazing abilities to stay healthy, but we don't know that because we don't give it a chance. You won't know unless you try.
Like everything else, if you set yourself up for success, you'll get it. Your mind has amazing abilities of achieving what you believe you can achieve. If you set your mind to losing weight and take actions towards it, the rest will come easy.
Before you go any further, complete the following sentences:
- When I stand in front of the mirror, the voice inside my head tells me:
- I will replace that voice with positive sentences such as...
During your journey towards optimum weight, you find that your worst enemy is you. The voices inside your head will often clash and usually the worst one wins. But you can change that by recognizing the sabotaging voice and answering it. Try this:
- Find a positive statement that you repeat to yourself every day. If you can't think of anything, try "I'm making small changes every day towards better health" or "I am getting healthier and slimmer everyday". These statements will remind your body of its goal.
- Compliment yourself instead of waiting for others to do it. A compliment (from anyone, even yourself) can have a huge positive effect on morale and motivation. Find one good thing about yourself on a daily basis and comment on it. Try, "I've done well with planning my children's schedule today" or "I'm happy i tried my best with this project".
You have to remember that others can also put obstacles to your progress. Whether conscious or not, your friends, parents, or relatives may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts. They either convince you to have that piece of cake, or they lure you into a lavish dinner out just when you're starting to do well. The best way to prevent that from happening is not to tell anyone about your new eating plan.
Make your eating and lifestyle changes silently; do not announce them. If people start noticing that you're losing weight, then give a curt answer like "thank you, I'm just living healthier".
If it is your spouse or close family member that is pulling you down and sabotaging your efforts, then the best way to deal with it is to try to win him/her over. Have an honest conversation about how you're really trying to get more out of your life by being healthier and achieving your ideal weight, and that you'd like their support; better yet, that you'd like them to join you. Make sure to let them know that you will not change as a person and their life will not have any major inconvenience as a result of your new eating plan. If they join you, then that's great; but if they choose not, then you have to respect their decision and move on with yours. They'll come around once they see the positive effects on you.
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