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Well it's that time again. Time to stash the sweaters and jeans into the closet and pull out the shorts and swim suits! With summer vastly approaching, it's a safe bet that you're already making plans and preparing yourself for the next few months of swim season. However if you live here in Arizona, you have no excuse because it's swim season almost year round. Whatever your plans may be, it's time to start toning up and cutting excess body fat.

So let me jump right into it. I've compiled the 10 best ways to get fit and STAY fit for summer and many seasons after. The main goal here is to make a positive change in the way you see yourself in the mirror. Hopefully through these tips you'll be able to reverse bad habits and establish new healthy goals for yourself.
1. Prepare your Kitchen
Answer this question for me: How are you going to eat ice cream or pizza if it isn't in your house? Exactly, it ISN'T in your house in the first place. As the saying goes: "Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym." Research shows that you're far likely to make better food choices if the wrong foods are restricted from being seen in your daily routines. Simply put: out of sight, out of mind. You won't be tempted as much to eat crappy foods if they simply aren't around to begin with. So do your grocery shopping wisely. And for those of you who have kids and have junk food in the house anyway...go read #10
2. Workout with Heavy Weights
Ladies, let me clear your minds of some mythical nonsense. You will not get big if you lift heavy weights. No you will not look like a man, or have big shoulders or whatever your excuse is. The facts are the facts: As a female you do not produce the necessary amount of testosterone to remotely come close to looking masculine from a muscular standpoint. Your testosterone levels are about 10-16 times LOWER than a man's. The reason why you still need to lift heavy is because your muscles need to be forced to adapt and grow! The more muscle mass your body carries, the more calories you will burn in a given day EVEN at rest. Sounds better huh? The most you will see is a toned, firm muscle.
3. Ditch the Scale
More often than not, most of us will weigh-in at least once a day if the scale is around. Don't get caught up in how much weight you put on or lost. The scale does nothing except give you great news or bad news. Try relying on measurements and body fat percentage to give you your answer. These are great tools to use every couple weeks or so to make sure you're doing the right things to get to your desired goals.
4. Do Interval Cardio
Just because you ride the elliptical for 30 minutes doesn't mean you're burning fat. Any form of cardio is a great way for burning calories but interval training will give you the most bang-for-your-buck when it comes to fat loss. The great thing about interval training is that it can be applied to any form of cardio. The key to doing this the right way is to increase your heart rate to about 65-85% of your max heart rate. Once this is attained, slow down the pace to get back to normal breathing, and then repeat. This type of training allows oxygen to get back into your system periodically. In order for fat to be called upon as fuel during your workout, oxygen must be present.
5. Increase Healthy Fats
More and more studies are showing the importance of healthy fats in the daily diet. These fats help to get rid of the bad cholesterol and fat, and keep the heart healthy. They also assist in brain function, reducing inflammation, preventing diabetes and helping reduce high blood pressure. Fish, avocados, flaxseeds and almonds are great choices to add to your nutritional program. A typical fat loss nutritional program will consist of about 40% protein, 20% carbs and 40% healthy fats.
6. Have Faith!
The main reason why people give up on the gym or living a healthy lifestyle in general is because they don't see the results right away. I don't know about you, but I don't think anyone great ever gave up in the first month of trying something new. We've all had our ups and downs, but if you're already unhappy with how you look, then get a reward from what you're going through! Stick with it and have faith. At the end of the day, it will without a doubt, reward you for your efforts. Good things come to those who wait...but work hard every day in between.
7. Rest
If God needed rest of the 7th day, then so do you. It's very easy to fall under the impression that "more is better" when training for fat loss. What most people don't understand is that your body builds up stronger and recovers when you're sleeping, NOT when you're in the gym. Listen to your body and the signs it's giving you. If you're fatigued all the time and seem to be unmotivated despite your day-to-day gym battle, then take some time off! Your body will thank you later.
8. Stay Hydrated
Without water your body will shut down completely. Whether you live in a hot, humid, dry or wet environment, replenishing your lost water and electrolytes should be at the top of your priority list when training. A great way to make sure you're getting enough is to consume an electrolyte beverage with water throughout your workout, and extra water throughout the rest of your day. This will help eliminate some fatigue that comes with training consistently.
9. Post-Workout Nutrition
In my opinion, the most important meal of the day is your post-workout shake! You've broken down your muscle fibers and they're in desperate need for repair and energy. So what do most women eat after a workout? Nothing! This is the worst nutritional mistake you can make when training. Your muscles need fast digesting protein within 30-45 minutes post workout in order to take advantage of the anabolic window that is open. Within this time limit, the muscle will absorb the protein and start the rebuilding process right away. This will lead to a stronger and more toned muscle down the road. To replace energy and shoot the protein in the muscle faster, try adding a fast digesting carb to your shake as well. Dextrose or maltodextrin are great supplemental choices for this.
10. Be Strong!
The muscle-building and fat loss process will not be an easy one. Stay focused on the goals you've set for yourself. Minimize outside distractions that will detour you away from your potential success. Try to set specific deadlines for the goals you wish to achieve. This will give you the motivation and drive to get things moving. The last thing to remember is to not punish yourself if something doesn't go right. Learn from your own experience and others. If this is something you truly want for yourself, then you'll do it.
Mitch Muller