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If you get this right, you will be amazed at how well your diet works in shedding the weight. It is the missing ingredient which most people overlook. Successful dieters will unwittingly have actually worked on this without realizing it.

And before you say it. No, it has nothing to do with the calories you are taking or the exercises you are doing. Although both calories and exercise are important, if you do not have this ingredient, you will struggle to lose weight.

If you are wondering what I am talking about, read on and I will tell you. If I gave you the answer right away, you would likely say you knew it anyway and then stop reading!

Let me stress this point again. If you are reading this article, then you are looking for an answer to a common problem. How to lose weight and keep the weight off?

The often overlooked solution to your problem of weight gain lies actually in the control you possess over your mind. Now please read the next paragraph very carefully. If you don't fully understand this, you will end up purchasing another diet program or reading more articles on diet and not really benefit from them.

Most people will accept that resisting cravings of sugar and sweets can be incredibly hard. Yes, will power to resist such cravings is important but that is only part of the jigsaw.

What I am trying to get across is that if you learn techniques at increasing your ability to control your mind, then you will see your Will power increase.

Mental impulses are incredibly powerful. Resisting food items or going that extra mile on the exercise machine is hard work. However with increased mind control, you will be able to switch gear when the craving sets in.

What I want to impress upon you is that having control over your mind is different to Will power.

Well, you probably doubt me. That is fine. Let me prove one thing through a simple exercise. Why don't you close your eyes and for 20 seconds think one thought-some nice experience you have had in the past. You can choose anything. Make sure the room you are in is quiet...

Did you manage that continuous thought process? Or were you interrupted with some other thoughts about the past or tomorrow's problems whilst trying to concentrate? These interruptions are usually only brief micro seconds and pass through the mind.

The shorter the time you were able to hold a continuous thought, the harder it will be to hold your self control next time you pass by an offer of cake! Likewise, the longer you were able to hold that continuous positive thought, the easier it will be for you to forego that chocolate bar.

What does this mean for weight loss?

If you improve the length of time you are able to hold a thought continuously it will truly strengthen your mental muscles.

In this article, I am asking you to just think a nice lovely thought and hold it. Nothing more. Practice doing that and you will be amazed at how much stronger your will power gets.

Aria Naples runs She is dedicated to helping people change their mindset and thereby improve their lives. She believes through the correct training of the mind, a person can achieve much more wealth, health and happiness. Those interested can sign up to a free course at

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