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Currently, there are many claims of weight loss with false promises and brand new products on the market now. Not only are these messages confusing, sometimes offering contradictory or abstract information, but they are outright overwhelming. The reason there is such an abundant amount of information available, is because getting healthy has become a fad. Like wild fire, business and supermarkets quickly jumped on the healthy bandwagon, making "health food" claims on anything from chicken nuggets to brownies. These sneaky marketing tactics make it difficult for people to decipher healthy from pseudo healthy. That is why I am here, the reason I got into the fitness business in the first place is because I want to help people make the healthiest decisions possible.

Many people who are looking to get into shape consult the great and powerful GOOGLE machine; some of the top searches being: "best foods to gain muscle" or to "eat." Seriously, go look. The main problem, of course, is everyone wants to claim new and improved methods and most are misleading. Obviously not everyone in the fitness world is this way, but most of the advertising and claims you see are not from people in the fitness world. That's why I want to help you weed through all the nonsense. For today's article I will focus on the myth that the best way to lose weight is cardiovascular training, such as the treadmill and elliptical.

Even though people do see some weight loss on these machine it does not even come close to the best ways to burn fat. Now people need to keep in mind everyone has different goals and different reason for exercising. With that in mind if you are not moving correctly because of tight muscles or painful joints these machines are not right for you. Think of it this way if your car has problems with its tires or more importantly the engine, are you going to get the same gas mileage out of it? If you guessed no you're correct, you will not because the car is not running efficiently. Same goes for your body if your joints and muscles are tight and you're not burning calories properly then you will end up working a lot harder to reach the same goal as someone who is efficiently moving and burning calories. To burn calories efficiently you not only need to be exercising correctly but eating clean as well, I will go into more depth on this topic in an upcoming article.

With all this in mind there have been a lot of studies showing the adverse effects of over training on cardiovascular equipment without following any kind of strength training regimen. Put simply if you're constantly running on a treadmill or even outside, especially for extended periods of time. You're body will run out of the fuel it is using and start to use muscle, and proteins for fuel. At the same time since you are not following any type of strength training the muscles will become weak and tight. Tight and weak muscles will eventually lead to incorrect movement patterns and painful joints. A quick way to picture this is to look up pictures of marathon runners. Now keep in mind if he or she is a marathon runner that's great if that is the goal and the body has been trained to run marathons. The body adapts to how one trains, but with that said if you are not strength training you will not be running many marathons. Some marathon runners that are not following a strength training regimen are extremely skinny with very little muscle mass. This is what happens when you do a lot of cardiovascular endurance training without any type of strength training.

What is the best type of training to lose the most amount of fat and not lose all your muscle? The answer is a combination of short intense metabolic training such as sprinting, and interval training. As well as strength training such as kettle bell training, barbell training, or just lifting up heavy things properly and putting them down properly. Even types of bodyweight training are extremely efficient. I will explain this in a different article as well. Before when I asked you to look up a picture of a marathon runner, OK now take that picture and compare it to a picture of a sprinter. Notice the sprinter has a very different build. They have bigger legs and calves, most have a six-pack and on top of that they are extremely fit. The main reason being the sprinter is not only training his cardiovascular system but also his musculature system. These intense burst of energy not only help you lose weight but build muscle as well, hence the difference of appearance in the sprinter compared to the marathon runner. This is very relatable inside the gym as well. Someone that is only always training one system such as musculature endurance will not be as well-rounded as someone training in endurance, strength, flexibility, and power.

I'm sure you have heard that the more muscle you put on your body the more calories your body burns on its own. Now this does not necessarily mean you're going to get huge muscles if you strength train and use interval training. Gaining big bulky muscles are a preference, and take an extremely vigorous nutritional program. So for most people this is just going to give you more dense lean muscles and a reduced amount of body fat. The point being if you train to gain dense lean muscle you will not only burn fat when you sprint, but also when your body sleeps and recovers. If you are just running you will only burn calories when you run, and for the most part you will lose muscle and burn fewer calories throughout the day. If you are interested in a more in-depth look at why this is please email me or message me and id be more than happy to go into that with you.

Example Routine

Warm up

Jog in place High Knees for one minute

Metabolic Training

Interval 30 seconds work 15 seconds rest

Mountain Climbers

Inch worm + Push ups

Goblet Squats

Lateral Hurdle Jumps

Strength Training

5x5 = 5 sets of 5 reps

Deadlift 5x5

Bench press 5x5

Squat 5x5

Farmers Carry 5x5

Joe Dymnioski Edited by Jessica Cortese

All Information provided by Joe Dymnioski strength and conditioning coach.
1 Life 1 Body 1 Mind

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