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How to lose weight fast and safe? That's the top question on the minds of those seeking to shed some pounds. To most individuals seeking to lose weight, its all about going on a diet, chopping off their desserts, starving their bodies. Weight loss is so not this!

The Unhealthy Weight Loss

Looking to lose weight fast? You could get on a rigid diet regime that cuts off many things in your diet your body is accustomed to getting on a daily basis - you'll be delighted at the result for a week or two....until the after effects start to sink in.

People mistake 'fast weight loss' to 'fat loss' - which is what should be the target. What manifests itself as fast weight loss may not actually be fat loss; it may just be water loss. Losing weight this way does more harm than good.

In another mistake people make is that they get onto the most optimistic of plans,then get discouraged when they're unable to meet their goals. They either punish their bodies to a more severe diet plan, or lose hope - both of which are detrimental.

How to Lose Weight Fast and Safe: The Healthy Way

The healthiest ways to weight loss are any ways that doesn't bend nature to cause the desired weight loss. To lose weight fast and safe, all you need to do is something so simple as burning more calories than you consume. You don't need to be looking for the calorie count of what you eat - you need to be looking into burning what you eat.

What happened to the 'What is better - counting calories or carbs' question? As a general rule, a high carb diet will also be a high calorie diet. So if you see that eating lots of high carb content foods day in and day out is going to cause problems, you're right.

Youcouldstop worrying about what you eat if you manage to burn more than you consume at the end of the day. Just have a look at your lifestyle as well as your diet - you'll begin to have some insight. If your lifestyle has become more sedentary and your diet more rich, then your are going to gain weight -regardless of whether its carbs, proteins, fats or whatever. Get the balance back, and you'll begin seeing results.

· Go for a brisk walk in the mornings

· Use the staircase more than the elevator

· Exercise for some time everyday

· Supplement the above with a balanced diet of proteins and carbohydrates.

· Park further away from the entrance when you go shopping

Setting Your Goals Right

To lose weight fast and safe, this is the way to go. Let your body respond to the increasingly mobile lifestyle and the more balanced diet. Do not set your goals too high. Work out a reasonable target you think you can achieve with minimum fuss. Don't get discouraged if you fail to achieve it - you will in some time if you persevere. With time, you will begin to see results.

I can already see a slimmer you!

Angela Cosey is dedicated to your success in achieving effective and permanent weight loss. Visit her blog []

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