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Set yourself to work out your arms for at least a month. With the proper exercises that target this problem area, you'll soon be saying goodbye to those flabs and sagging skin!

The Modified Push-Up

Imagine yourself getting on the floor and pushing your entire body up with the use of your arms. You got it! This may be a difficult type of exercise for most women, but is certainly one of the best that can bring about your desired results faster. After all, you can opt to do the modified version--- with your knees and toes resting on the floor as you work out your upper body.

Position yourself face down on a mat or towel and place your knees and toes flat on the ground. Align your arms and hands to be shoulder-width apart, with palms leveled in front of you. Now with a straight back, lift yourself up as you push from the floor. Make sure to tuck in your abdomen during the process.

This exercise will tone your arms and work out your shoulders and chest muscles too.

The Biceps Curl

Here you'll need a pair of dumbbells or other similar weights. Stand first while positioning your feet to face front and be shoulder-width apart. Hold dumbbells in your hands with palms facing forward. Then curl the dumbbells toward your chest while slightly bending your knees.

You can begin with just 10 reps for each set. In carrying out this exercise, you're bound to firm up the front part of your arms.

The Lateral Raise

In doing lateral raises, you can address the fats in the front and back parts of your arms. At the same time, you'll be able to exercise your pectorals and shoulders.

To start off, you ought to be in a standing position the same way as in the biceps curl while holding the dumbbells. However, your palms must be facing your body instead of facing front. Once you're ready, begin to raise your arms to the sides while keeping them straight. Raise them up only until they are aligned with your shoulders, with your palms facing down. Make sure to relax your neck muscles as you perform this exercise.

The Triceps Stretch

Of course it's also important to give attention to your triceps separately to achieve well-toned arms. This time, you need to lie down first on your back and lift your hands while holding the dumbbells. Put the dumbbells together as your palms face each other. Inhale and start bending your elbows toward the sides of your face as you lower the weights. Be sure to just move the forearms, with the elbows staying in the same spot all throughout. Now you have to exhale along with raising your hands back to the original position.

These top 4 exercises have been proven time and again to be effective. They may be simple and basic, but they can definitely help you enjoy slimmer, firmer, and more beautiful arms that you can proudly show off by using the bodishape's product.

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