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Points to Ponder for your weight loss new year's resolutions. We were "naturally selected" for a very different lifestyle than we have today. Our sedentary lifestyles are only about the last 50 years - which is not even a notch on the evolutionary time line. Even if we think we are active because we run 3 times a week, or go to the gym 5 times a week - by evolutionary standards - that still does not meet the criteria of activity. Activity is a measure of circulation and oxygen consumption by the body, all day.

Here is what happens when we lose weight fast: first of all let's remember if we are talking losing weight - we are usually referring to a number on the scale - which is a poor measure of fat loss. The scale does not tell us if we lost fat, muscle, water or any other precious bodily resources.We need to hone our wish list to fat loss - in other words design our weight loss program around scientific methods of fat loss, and saving our muscle mass. And yes, it is both an art and science to lose fat and save muscle.

Our muscles are what keeps us lean and fit, over the long haul. The reason many people feel they gain weight uncontrollably as they age is because of a nasty fact of life called sarcopenia: that is the fancy scientific term for use it or lose it. If we don't nurture our muscle mass with proper nutrition and physical activity and exercise (please note I mention both physical activity and exercise - they are NOT the same), then we sacrifice our muscles and bones. Sarcopenia is NOT a doomed destiny - it is very possible to steer clear and keep our muscle tone and bone density- but fad gimmick diets, starvation, lose weight quick schemes all lead to the breakdown of muscle. Muscle is an absolute necessity for fat burning, staying fit, disease prevention,our immune function... our muscle mass is absolutely our BFF in life. Losing muscle mass is the sure way to gain weight and create metabolic disasters... which lead to further weight gain.

The other really important point to remember is the fat cell. Again believe it or not the fat cell just shrinking and not going away permanently was another Ace in the evolutionary winning hand of natural selection. Quick weight loss programs, due to metabolic and hormonal issues leave the fat cells looking to grow and multiply. This is another reason for the "yo yo" effect - known correctly as weight cycling - the fat cells at time of rapid weight loss are looking to fortify and multiply to protect against the perceived invasion of starvation.

So please, make those New Year's resolutions for fat loss, and this time please don't fall for gimmick diets (temporary) or gadgets that cost you money, and cost you more in frustration and deflation. Take a scientific approach. Unearth the saboteurs - they probably are NOT what you think they are - there is a science behind real fat loss.

Shira Litwack, Medical Fitness Professional... proud creator of thousands of health enthusiasts & corporate health cultures world wide...

Personal & Telephonic/Skype Health Coaching, Lifestyle & Weight Management Health Coach,Fitness & Nutrition for chronic illness recovery & self empowerment, addiction recovery

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