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Nausea and vomiting, also known as Morning Sickness, is a common problem among many a pregnant mother. No matter how carefully pregnant women choose what they eat, their efforts would still be in vain if they keep throwing up their meals each morning. When a mother is constantly plagued by morning sickness, she does not just lose a portion of the nutrients she just ate. She also ends up losing some of her appetite. Both instances are not good for anyone's diet, especially for a pregnant mother - a woman who is carrying a baby inside your womb.

There are pharmacological ways of managing nausea and vomiting. However, using them too much is not recommended, particularly the anatacids since they can alter the fluid balance in the body. What you need to do first, before resorting to any medications or rushing to your doctor, are the following simple home remedies:

Lighten your meals. I am not telling you, a pregnant mother, to lessen your food intake in your diet though. Just make sure you are not always full. The feeling of fullness makes pregnant woman more prone to nausea and vomiting. Instead of eating 3 large meals a days, try to make it 6 smaller meals a day. In this way, you still avail of the requirements of your pregnancy diet but you avoid feeling nauseated.

Eat dry crackers or toast in the morning. Pregnant mothers should eat this as soon as they wake up. This is the first thing a pregnant woman should eat to avoid morning sickness. This is a traditional but effective way to manage morning sickness.

Do not drink too much water when you are eating your meals. Water adds to your feeling of fullness, which we are trying to avoid. However, do not limit your fluids for the whole duration of your pregnancy. Good body hydration is vital in your diet in order maintain your good health. Just drink a little less when you are eating.

Eat your breakfast at 10 or 11am. Morning sickness usually happens when a pregnant woman arises in the morning. Let the feeling pass first before you eat your first full meal of the day - your breakfast. However, make sure you compensate for the delay. You could do this by eating a light snack in the evenings so you will not wake up starving the next morning.

Try to lessen your exposure to greasy foods or dishes with too strong aromas. Although morning sickness attacks expectant mothers in the mornings, the urge to vomit is usually awakened when dealing with strong smells, especially when it dealing with food. If you avoid these foods, you lessen the chances of awakening your morning sickness.

If you are experiencing nausea and vomiting too much that you begin to lose weight and energy, it is best to consult your doctor. Morning sickness also normally disappears on the fourth month. If it still persists then, get a health check up because this might already be a complication of your pregnancy. Otherwise, morning sickness is an expected reaction for mothers in their first three months of pregnancy.

Use the above steps wisely to manage your morning sickness without spending too much or resorting to self-medications. These steps not only lessen discomfort for you, a pregnant mother, but it also helps to keep you in line with your pregnancy diet for you and your baby's health needs. Well, then, until next time. I wish you happy and healthy pregnancy!

Arnold Basken is a pregnancy diet expert. For more great tips on diet for pregnant mother [], visit [].

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