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Everybody loves a gimmick. Everybody loves a turnkey solution. Everybody likes automatic and simple and easy solution to even the most complicated of life's problems. Who wouldn't? After all, we are all modern creatures of comfort. We don't like to expend effort. We like to have our cake and eat it too, and eat it immediately. That's who we are, we are creatures of convenience. Unfortunately, we're not going to get anywhere in terms of weight loss if we focus on convenience, comfort, and expediency. If you want to lose weight and lose it on a sustained basis, meaning keep the weight off next year and five years from now. expediency. If you want to lose weight and lose it on a sustained basis, meaning keep the weight off next You need to focus on self-discipline. Self-discipline is a bad word nowadays because it's not convenient. It tells you that you can't have your cake and eat it too. It tells you that you can't even eat your cake now. Self-discipline is all about doing the hard and necessary things now so you can profit and benefit in the future. Everybody seems has a bad case of attention-deficit disorder and we'd rather have things now, people are just very impatient. But if you want to sustain your weight loss, you need a healthy dose of self-discipline. Follow the tips below to build your self-discipline.
Building Self-Discipline First
When people set out to lost weight, they tend to be objective focused. This means that their main objective is to lose the weight. That's how they measure their success. That's how they frame the whole problem. It's how many pounds do you weigh at the end of the process, compared to the amount of weight you had at the beginning of the process. If you go about your weight loss regimen this way, you're just setting yourself up with disappointment and heartbreak. The truth is if you want to truly lose weight and lose it on a sustain basis, you need to focus on building your self-discipline first. This means that you have to look at discipline as a reward at the end of itself. It's not a means to an end. It is not a process. Discipline itself is the goal. You have to change your mind about how weight loss works and what your weight loss success metrics are. Instead, focus on 'I'm trying to lose weight because I'm trying to become more disciplined.' When you make discipline as your goal, you increase the chance of achieving sustainable weight loss.
Eating Less
When you decide to eat less, the rubber meets the road when it comes to discipline building. This is when you physically and palpably have to exercise discipline because you're not going to eat as much as you normally would. Stuff that taste great, you have to replace them with stuff that you've always hated. If you've always loved Krispy Kreme doughnuts, you're going to have to replace them with apples. So this is the first step of losing weight through self-discipline. The great thing about this whole process is that you're losing weight in a completely natural way. You're not using chemical boosters. You're not using chemical compounds that impact your brain chemistry. You're doing everything naturally.
Exercising More
Next to eating less, exercising more can be an ordeal for most people that are trying to lose weight. The fact that they are overweight is a testimony to the fact that they don't get much exercise, so how do they psyche themselves up to exercise more. The great thing about a disciplined approach to exercising more is that you can do it incrementally. You don't have to eat the whole burrito so to speak from the get go. You can scale it up step by step. If you're trying to run to lose weight, try walking first. Walk around your house, then walk around your block, then start walking 5 miles a day, then eventually start jogging, and then you pick up the pace. The great thing about exercising more is that you can ramp it up. It is very scalable.
"This article was written by Joan Loganeski." For articles, help, information and to get our FREE Joan Bars meal replacement recipe and 10 page weight loss report go to our website: Bill and Joan Loganeski have discovered a meal replacement you can make at home for very little money and when combined with our Saturday Morning Diet plan it will help you lose the weight. The Saturday Morning Diet channel is our educational and information channel to help you use lose weight in a healthy way.We now have hundreds of FREE diet recipes for instant download.