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Thinking of starting yoga? Bet your body has been yearning for this for some time now. Everyone has their reasons for doing yoga; losing weight, release stress, maintaining good health both mind and body. Whatever your reason is for starting yoga, have fun with it. It is also important to know a few things before undertaking this new activity that will improve your health and here are some:
  • It is all about you: Even if you are in a class of ten people, this is your time to discover your body and mind. It involves making somewhat awkward body movements, such as being upside down or curving your back! Let yourself go and just explore your inner strength.

  • Notify your instructor if you need special attention: This is basically if you are pregnant, have terminal illnesses, injury or a condition that may be affected by the type of exercises that yoga involves. Yoga does not have a particular way of how it is done; there are different techniques and poses for different bodies. Therefore, your instructor will know what suits you best.

  • Follow instructions: Some of the postures you will be required to do might be challenging, actually they are quite tough. You may find it easier to twist or modify the posture to be more comfortable, but this should be avoided because you are risking getting injury that could take a sometime to heel.

  • Beware, it is addictive: Compared to other exercises, yoga is special. From the technique it uses to the several health benefits it has to your body, your body is left feeling incredible. This makes you want it even more and cannot afford to miss any session!

  • Go on an empty stomach: It will almost be impossible for you to do yoga on a full tummy. Remember most of the time you will be stretching into postures, which can be very uncomfortable for you if your stomach is full. If you think you cannot make it till the end of the session, take a snack at least half an hour before the class; a light snack.

  • Do not compete, enjoy! Have fun during yoga class, even if it may take some time to grasp those postures. Take one posture at a time and you can even practice it when you are idle, during your lunch break and before you sleep. You will be a pro in no time!
We provide the best info about yoga teacher training in Goa and yoga retreat in Goa. For further details please visit the provided links.