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Ladies, I understand your afraid of lifting weights because you don't want to get big and bulky. Well, I don't blame you one bit. No woman out there want to get big and bulky, women go for the elongated lean look. The problem is, this can't be achieved without some form of weight lifting.
I'm a huge advocate of the P90X workout program. I have a lot of friends who are women who tell me they don't want do that program because you have to lift weights. That is the wrong mentality to have if you really want that long sexy look. Lifting weights are totally necessary if you want to achieve this.
If you're a woman and you're trying to avoid that bulky look, you just have to change the way you're lifting the weights. For a man who is looking to gain bulk, they should pick a weight that allows them to do 8-10 reps. If you're a woman you should be looking for a weight that allows you to do a minimum of 15 reps.
More reps with lighter weight will gain you lean muscle instead of the bigger bulky muscle. This goes the same for men as well, if you're trying to gain lean muscle as a man, go for a lighter weight and do more reps.
There are other benefits to lifting weights and putting on muscle as a woman as well. Having more muscle in your body will make you more of a fat burning machine. Muscle burns more fat naturally in your body. Your body will actually burn 3 times the amount of fat per pound of muscle oppose to fat.
Another way that lifting weights and building muscle helps you burn more fat is your R.M.R. after a workout. R.M.R. stands for resting metabolic rate. This is the measurement of calories burned while resting. When you do a cardiovascular workout, your R.M.R. is typically increased for a few hours afterward. When you lift weights and give your muscles a good workout, your R.M.R. can be elevated for as many as 48 hours. This means your body is burning calories at a higher rate over the next 48 hours. If you combine a weight lifting routine with your normal cardio you will be burning many, many more calories.
I am an advocate of lifting weights, whether you are a man or woman. I have made it my goal to make sure people understand the benefits of adding muscle, especially women. Good luck ladies, I hope that you are able take this information to heart and get the body you always wanted!
If your ready to get into great shape, please visit my site to lean all about How To Get Fit with proper workouts and eating habits. Also, if you want to see the workout that has helped me and my wife get into great shape, check out the Focus T25 meal plan and workout program now! It's body weight only so no equipment needed, but your gonna blast fat like no one's business!