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When you go through a major surgery like having a total knee replacement, with surgeons having to cut away damaged bone and cartilage and cement into place permanent hardware that functions as your new knee, waking up and thinking about post knee replacement exercises may not be high on your list. However, they should be. You'll begin physical therapy on the day of surgery in the hospital and continue with physical therapy for several months following surgery. Exercising your knee is the smartest thing you can do after going through with such an extensive surgery. You took the time to reclaim your body from pain; you have to make sure you become strong enough to enjoy your new knee, as well.
As you go through your post knee replacement exercises, you will gradually work your way up from learning how to extend your knee to getting slowly back into the routine of daily life. An exercise you may begin fairly early on is the seated knee bend. This exercise can be done while you are seated on a chair or on the side of a bed. You start by crossing your operated knee over your good leg for support, with your legs extended. Begin to slowly bend your knee back towards the chair or bed. This isn't one where you need to push, bend only to the point that it is comfortable and hold it there for ten seconds and then straighten your leg back out. Try it for a total of 10 times. This exercise is one you can do safely several times a day.
Another easy post knee replacement exercise you can begin almost right away is the ankle pump. For this exercise you can do it seated comfortably on your bed with your legs fully extended in front of you, toes pointed up at the ceiling. You will then move your foot up and down gently, feeling your calves and shin muscles contract. This exercise can be done several times every hour for a few minutes at a time. This will help to ease the swelling you may be experiencing in your lower leg and ankle and helps to keep blood circulating throughout.
These last few post knee replacement exercises are ones that not only are easy to get into and keep up, but they will also help you on the path to weight management if you need to lose a few pounds. Walking and cycling are both fantastic ways to help your new knee recover. Walking is one of the very best things you can do, beginning in the hospital with the use of a walker or crutches. Just remember to lead with your good leg and always make sure your heel is touching the floor first. Cycling should be done on a stationary bike until you are healed and sessions should begin at 10 to 15 minutes before progressing on to daily sessions of 20 to 30 minutes. Learn more at
Jerry Seaman is a two-time knee replacement patient and former state wrestling champion. He knows about knee replacements and the challenges you face. At age 65, just 8 weeks after his second knee replacement surgery Jerry is able to squat 205 lbs for 20 reps, stand and balance on a basketball, hang upside down on a bar 12 feet off the ground, and has a full 135 degrees of flexion in his knee. He has developed a complete recovery plan which includes exercises for flexibility and strengthening, a diet program to support weight loss and improved muscle tone, and his unique and powerful Success Mind-set program. It's all available on one simple CD. Find it on his site