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If you want to know how to lose belly fat, you can use the 7 tips in this article to give you some pointers on cutting out calorie intake.
The more of the tips you use, the more likely you'll lose stomach fat.
1. Increase your metabolism.
Your metabolism is the biggest reason why you'll either lose belly fat or not be able to lose belly fat.
Eat too much, and it won't be able to burn all those calories, so, you gain weight.
Eat too little and your metabolism slows down because your body thinks you're starving yourself. So your body will hang on to the calories you're consuming. Result? Little or no loss of fat.
Drastic calorie-cutting diets don't work for losing belly fat.
In order to keep your metabolism operating smoothly, you need to eat sufficient quantities of the right foods like fruits, vegetables, grains and lean proteins as it is to cut back on the wrong ones like fats and sugar.
2. Start using cheat meals.
In order to lose weight successfully, you have to set up your lifestyle so you can keep eating healthy and nutritious foods most of the time.
In other words, you don't have to get rid of any foods, you just have to moderate them. If you try to get rid of all the foods you enjoy, you'll start to feel too restricted.
And you'll soon start to have cravings and psychological urges to have some of those foods you miss.
You can't lose belly fat in the long run by being miserable and feeling deprived. Just eat healthy and well 99% of the time and allow yourself some junk food as a cheat meal and treat.
This will help keep you from feeling deprived and will help you lose fat in the long run.
Again, if you don't eat those things you like, you'll walk around feeling deprived and eventually you'll binge or start eating more of those things.
Eating a little of what you crave now and then will help you stay on a clean and healthy eating plan.
3. Start cutting out the extras that can add up.
During the course of the day, you may not even realize what you're eating and how many calories you're taking in, without even being aware.
If you graze on the little things like some candy here and there, or you're using a lot of mayo on that sandwich, or you snack on chips while you're sitting at work... all those little things can add up to a lot of weight gain and belly fat.
So just be more aware of what you're putting in your mouth each day. Start to cut out the extras you don't need... like the mayo at lunch, or cream and sugar with your coffee. Any little bit of calorie cutting will help you lose belly fat in the long run.
4. Be more aware of portion sizes.
Underestimating portion sizes can lead to gaining belly fat in the long term. Most people have no idea what proper portion sizes are... so they eat way too many calories.
Each food should have a portion size of roughly the size of your fist... no bigger.
The classic portion is four ounces of boneless meat, fish or poultry-a piece about the size of your palm. If you think about how much meat you ate last night, you probably ate more.
You don't have to be so strict and rigid on every single portion, just be more aware of how much you're eating.
5. Make small changes every day.
It's important, when you're trying to lose belly fat, that you don't make huge, drastic changes all at once. It will cause too much of a shock.
Instead, take baby steps instead of big ones. These baby steps will soon snowball and add up to help you reach your goals.
For example, say you love ice cream. Well, completely getting rid of ice cream from your life, cold turkey, could cause you to start having some urges and cravings.
So start to lessen the days you have it and also start to lessen the amounts. By weening off, before you know it, you won't even miss it anymore.
So make small changes, gradually over time, instead of making huge changes all at once.
6. Be more aware of fats in your diet.
Fats have the highest calorie content out of protein, carbs, and fats. So naturally, eating more fats will lead to gaining more belly fat. Many people believe that as long as they're sticking to heart-healthy fats such as olive and canola oil, they can have lots of it.
But if you're trying to lose fat, those fats will add up your calorie totals and could prevent you from losing your stomach fat.
Start reducing your fat intake and you'll immediately start reducing your calorie intake as well.
7. Don't feel you have to clean your plate every meal.
Many parents tell their children "you need to eat all your dinner that's on your plate".
And unfortunately, this can condition and program us to feel like we have to clean our plates of all our food, each and every time we eat.
And when you eat out in restaurants, leaving food behind, especially when we've paid good money for it, can feel like a big no-no.
But when you eat everything on your plate, you're probably eating more than you should be eating, if you want to lose belly fat.
Learn how to lose belly fat in less time. Proven nutrition tips and meal planning information will show you how to lose stomach fat. Get the diets and exercise to lose belly fat as well as foods that burn belly fat. Learn how to lose belly fat []