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Almost everyone aspires to have a flat stomach or the well sought after six pack abs. But, it is hard for most of us to lose a thin layer of belly fat. If you are one of those persons who want to know how you can lose belly fat, you are at the right place. Read on to find out what is the best way to lose stomach fat.

A good diet combined with an effective fitness plan can help you to get in shape and lose the belly fat in no time. If you are not looking for washboard abs, you can definitely trim some inches from your waist.
What is the best way to lose stomach fat through diet?

1. Avoid all junk foods.

Stay away from junk food such as sweets, chips, cookies and other related products. Saturated fat and sugar are the main cause of stomach fat these days.

2. Eat only good carbs.

Carbohydrate is important for belly fat loss, but this only applies to the good carbs. You should remove all refined foods and flours from your diet. Things like white bread, cakes, pasta, biscuits and donuts will cause poor digestion, bloating and the accumulation of belly fat. Substitute those items with fresh vegetables and fruits.

3. Stop eating late night snacks and comfort foods.

When you eat snacks or meals late at night, you not doing much activity afterwards and would end up going straight to bed. This will result in high levels of sugar in your blood stream and eventually a quick buildup of belly fat.

4. Reduce your alcohol intake.

Persons who drink a lot of alcohol usually accumulate more fat around the waist. There are no nutrients in alcohol so the energy that you consume will get stored as stomach fat. The fastest way to lose that stomach fat is to drink the alcohol in moderation or stop completely. What is the best way to lose stomach fat with exercise?

You have to exercise often to lose belly fat through exercise. If possible, you can exercise at least two times a day. You can get results as long as you are staying active, so it doesn't matter if you are walking or running. Of course, sprinting will help you to burn more calories and lose weight a lot faster.

After losing the excess stomach fat, there are a number of exercises that you can do to get a six pack abs. To get this dream stomach, you have to combine different workout routines which include intensive exercises such as circuit and interval training. These exercises can burn off excess fat quicker than any other. Be sure to keep the exercise routines varied for maximum results.

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